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Oxymax COS51D Digital oxygen sensor

Oxymax COS51D is a reliable and highly accurate oxygen sensor for all kinds of water & wastewater applications (including hazardous areas).


Oxymax COS51D is a reliable and highly accurate oxygen sensor for all kinds of water & wastewater applications (including hazardous areas). Designed to be low-maintenance with a long operating life, the sensor offers outstanding value for money. Thanks to Memosens digital technology, the Oxymax COS51D combines maximum process and data integrity with simple operation. It resists corrosion and moisture, enables lab calibration and facilitates predictive maintenance.

  • Maximum measurement accuracy

  • Logging of sensor load data for easy traceability

  • Intelligent, self-monitoring sensor

  • Minimum calibration effort thanks to simple air calibration

  • Long maintenance intervals

  • Approved for hazardous area use

Oxymax COS51D measures the dissolved oxygen concentration in:

Wastewater treatment plants:

- O2 control in the aeration basin

- Process water treatment and monitoring

Water works:

- Status monitoring of drinking water (oxygen enrichment, corrosion protection, etc.)

- Water quality monitoring in rivers, lakes or seas

Utilities of all industries:

- O2 control in the biological treatment

- Process water treatment and monitoring

The sensor is suitable for hazardous area use (ATEX, FM, CSA).
